Friday, January 11, 2008

Functional Rooms

After a short stint at Mountain Oak School I decided being a "Juvenile Detention Officer" wasn't quite what I had in mind when I signed on to be the Director of After-School programs. I think I was envisioning something more along the lines of Cruise Director... And that surely is not what it felt like a lot of the time. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of really great, super sweet kids, and the kids that were hard, were REALLY hard.

I realized during my time there that I'd been taking interim jobs for oh about the past 2 years thinking that I'd be able to start my own business on the side. Have steady income coming in while what I really want to do gets on it's feet... I realized, finally that that wasn't happening, and I had a 2 week break coming up for which I knew I wasn't going to get paid (Christmas & New Years) so I figured it was as good a time as any to make the break!

And I also realized that I'd been incorporting organizing into all the jobs I was taking, but not getting paid for it! Thus "Functional Rooms-Personal Organizing for Home and Office" was born!

Over the break I helped the Office Manager at the school re-do the whole office and she was so thrilled with how it turned out that she offered me free advertising for the rest of the school year! My business card size ad will be in the weekly school newsletter, my half page ad will be in the school Directory and I can leave brochures out in the office for people to take as well! Besides the fact too that she tells everyone that walks through her door that wows at the new space that I was the one that helped make it happen!

There's also a gal I know who's a real estate agent and when I told her about FR she was thrilled and wants to refer all her clients to me so that their houses are all neat and ready to be sold and easier for them to pack and move. She also mentioned the possibility of purchasing gift certificates for some people and so I've created a blog people can go to to pay by credit card online as well as purchase gift certificates.

I'm so excited! There has been so much positive support from everyone I've talked to so far that I'm sure Functional Rooms is well on it's way to being an amazing success!

Send your good vibes my way and if you know anyone that needs help organizing something, anything at all, tell them to drop me a line. I'm open to doing consults via phone and e-mail.

Happy Organizing!

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